Fundraising Group Somerset
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The Children’s Air Ambulance are looking to create a fundraising group and are seeking volunteers to join to help raise funds to keep our helicopters flying.Detailed description
Our fundraising groups form a vital network of volunteers across the country, being part of a group is a way to meet new people, make great friends and get involved in your local community, all whilst helping to keep our helicopters flying.
Groups normally meet once a month and support in whatever way best suits their interests and skills to organise and support fundraising activities in their local community.
They do this by:
Planning and organising fundraising events to take place across the year
Meeting regularly as a group to reflect on events held and discuss future activities
Developing relationships and representing the Children’s Air Ambulance in their local communities, including attending events
Supporting the charities campaigns such as Wills Week, Superhero Month and Bring a £ day.
Working alongside and support of a Fundraising Manager to identify opportunities.
Start a new group - If there isn’t a group near you but you’d like to consider starting one then we’d love to hear from you.