Alvington Pond Workday

Alvington Pond Workday

Event · 10 Oct 2024, 10:30 - 12:30
Alvington Lane, Yeovil, BA22 8TH, United Kingdom
Nature & sustainabilityCommunity & family

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Yeovil Rivers Community Trust
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Workday at Alvington, clearing scrub and maintaining the hibernaculum.

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Getting there

Join us for our Alvington Pond Workday on Thu 10th October 2024 at 10:30 AM, Alvington Lane Alvington Lane Yeovil BA22 8TH to clearing scrub and maintaining the hibernaculum.
Unfortunately, you can no longer register for this volunteering opportunity. You can find other volunteering opportunities here.8 spots left.
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About Yeovil Rivers Community Trust

Yeovil Rivers Community Trust (YRCT) is a registered charity, number 1180724, whose main aim is to promote the protection and enhancement of the water environment for the benefit of people and wildlife in a sustainable and resilient way. Central to our work is a group of volunteers who bring their own skills and experience to make positive changes.