Task · 2–4 hrs
Shepton Mallet, Somerset, England, United Kingdom

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STAR is a small charity with a budget of less than £50,000, managed by the Development officer, role of Treasurer should not take more than a few hrs a month

Detailed description

About Us

STAR’s journey began over twenty years ago by a willing and committed band of Somerset social workers who recognised many vulnerable and disadvantaged young people were being denied the opportunity of joining and participating in activities due to lack of funding. 

This was putting them at risk of social exclusion, being involved in anti-social behaviour and open to all kinds of inappropriate activities. 

Research showed that many of these young people had lower self-esteem, fewer social skills, achieved less at school and had a higher risk of entering the care system or being involved with crime. 

To combat this, STAR was born and quickly became a recognised Somerset based charity; providing funding to enable this target group of young people have access to positive and safe activities. Be it, sport, the arts, music or visits to museums, theatres etc. The list is endless and the outcomes massive.  

STAR’s funding enables young people to participate alongside their peers. It enables many young people to have fun. It gives them new experiences and opportunities. It builds resilience and helps young people overcome the effects of adversity in their lives.  Above all it allows young people to belong. To their community, their sports teams, out of school activities etc.  It enables children and young people to grow into healthy and resilient adults, having experienced some of the same opportunities as their better off peers.

STAR supports children and young people from the age of 0 to 25 years.  

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs

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STAR aims to continue supporting vulnerable children and young people (0-25) in need throughout Somerset. Enabling them to engage in positive, confidence building extra curriculum activities. For many young people, STAR’s funding is a life-line, allowing them to experience ordinary childhood activities which otherwise would be out of their reach. STAR particularly target those with mental health problems, young carers, those with drug related problems, victims of abuse and crime and those at real risk of offending.