Pick up Medicines

Pick up Medicines

North Petherton, North Petherton, Bridgwater, TA6 6TR, United Kingdom

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The organiser has marked this opportunity as filled. Applications are closed. You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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North Petherton & District Coronorvirus Support Group
Scan me or visit www.sparkachange.org.uk/o/NorthPetherton/opportunities/Pick-up-Medicines/20420 to join

Detailed description

A lot of people are stuck at home and shouldn’t leave the house, We are looking for volunteers who would be able to go to the pharmacy for them to collect and deliver.

Getting there

The organiser has marked this opportunity as filled. Applications are closed. You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About North Petherton & District Coronorvirus Support Group