Peer contact support volunteers

About Peer contact support volunteers

WATCH CIC is a group of like-minded people whose aim is to provide other isolated individuals from Chard, and the surrounding areas, a safe place to grow by developing confidence, friendships and valuable skills.

We give members an elevated sense of confidence and empowerment by enabling them to take their own positive steps… Change comes from within, and we help people take their first steps to fulfill their potential.

Founded in 2010 by members, we have built the project around our lived experience to help reach out and engage with other isolated and lonely people in the community. Social isolation/anxiety is getting worse, we can help remove the barriers & restore faith in your community.

Social isolation affects so many people, and we have members from all walks of life: adults with mental health issues; elderly; minority groups; young adults isolated; physical disabilities, adults recovering from dependency of alcohol or substance abuse – anyone who feels alone.

WATCH is part of the Somerset Open Mental Health Network (OMHN) which is formed with community Mental Health partner organisations and the NHS Somerset Foundation Trust. As a partner we specialise in Peer Support that will benefit all the OMHN services and be of benefit to individuals in their recovery and maintaining wellbeing. There are peer worker roles within the OMHN for people with lived experience who feel able to support others.
