Uncovering the past: Anthony's story

Anthony has always been interested in archaeology, so when he discovered that the Quantock Landscape Partnerships Scheme (QPLS) was looking for people to get involved in its ’Understanding the Landscape’ historic heritage project, he jumped at the chance to be involved.
“I work with the QLPS team, helping with guided walking tours, filming work, taking part in archaeological digs and working on the Quantocks LiDAR project. I have also recently done some photography in a church yard which involved working with the South West Heritage Trust too.
“I really enjoy the variety of projects that I’m able to be involved with, the people within the QLPS team and the work that they are doing to build this connection between the general public and the living, breathing, Quantock landscape. Its history, beauty and importance cannot be underestimated.
“I’ve seen, first-hand, the work that the QLPS has been doing to help and encourage people to visit the Quantocks and experience the physical and mental wellbeing benefits it can bring. They have made such a difference to so many. There is a huge need for it, and if I look back at what they have achieved with such a small team, it’s incredible.”
“But, if I had to pick one favourite thing about volunteering, I’d have to say the archaeology. To have had the opportunity to be involved with literally uncovering the past is something that I will always be grateful for.
“I would advise anyone thinking about volunteering to just go for it! By getting involved you will learn so much, make so many friends, and get so many opportunities that you wouldn’t have had otherwise. There are other organisations I’ve been involved with, solely because of this volunteering, giving me access to experiences I wouldn’t have encountered."
If Anthony's story has inspired you to volunteer with the Quantock Landscape Partnership scheme, visit their website to find out how.
For more rewarding opportunities to volunteer in Somerset, please click the link below.