Moonlight Beach Walk - Marshalling & Registrations (14th Oct)
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Have fun whilst supporting your local hospice by marshalling at the Moonlight Beach Walk! To let us know you can help for a couple of hours, click join…Detailed description
Event volunteers are a vital ingredient to the success of our events.
Helping us with our fundraising events is a flexible way to volunteer, ideal if your time is limited and you are not able to make a regular commitment. It is a really fun, sociable way to help make a difference while supporting our vital fundraising efforts.
We have a wide range of events to get involved in, from helping at the Strictly Fun Dancing, The Men’s March, Mendip Challenge, Moonlight Beach Walk and many more! You can choose from lots of different roles including marshalling, merchandise sales, bucket collections, baking cakes, stewarding and even face painting.
If you’d like to join our team of event volunteers and help at the Moonlight Beach Walk please contact us or register on our website.