Gardeners - Open Mental Health
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Looking for green fingered volunteers who love being outdoorsDetailed description
The gardens around The Balsam Centre are used and cared for by The Growing Space, who are looking for volunteers who might like to come in to garden. We are redesigning our main garden, to include a pond, wild flowers, and espalier apple trees to form a border - all very exciting!
We have several gardeners who come in and look after a particular area and are happy to just garden alone, but if you want more guidance, we can do that too.
We are flexible on how long you want to come for, and days.
The Balsam Centre and the Growing Space are both charities; one works inside the building, the other outside. The Growing space offers hortucultural and eco-therapy, helping people who are experiencing mental health difficulties, or have learning difficulties. But the gardens are large so we also need gardeners who can help keep it all in check.