

Organisation role · 1+ hrs/Week
Taunton, Somerset, England, United Kingdom
Art & cultureEducationChildren & youth

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Somerset Partnership Arts Education Development Agency - SPAEDA
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SPAEDA (Somerset Partnership Arts Education Development Agency) is looking to appoint up to nine new Trustees to join their Board.

Detailed description

SPAEDA is an independent arts education charity with over 20 years’ experience in providing training and resources, model projects and advocacy across the arts for the education sector. We act to maximise children and young people's engagement with arts and culture, reducing barriers to participation and building confidence and skills in arts leaders.


Having just celebrated our 21st birthday in 2021, it’s an exciting opportunity to seek new people to work with SPAEDA and help reinvent it for the next 21 years!


Role: Trustee

The Board of Directors of the company are also Trustees of the charity.


Remuneration: Voluntary


Reason To Apply? You’ll be part of a respected arts education charity; developing your leadership skills in the cultural sector with an organisation that truly values equality, diversity, and inclusion.


Deadline: Thursday 31st March 2022, 5pm


We are looking to appoint up to 9 new board members from diverse backgrounds that can bring new energy, new ideas, new perspectives, and challenge to enhance our work.


As an organisation that strives to be truly equitable, we are keen to recruit people from all backgrounds with different levels of boardroom, professional and lived experience. You don’t have to have worked with an organisation like SPAEDA before. We welcome Trustees from inside and outside the arts and education sector and would love to hear about your transferable skills.


We are looking for Trustees who are aligned with our values, are excited about our work and can contribute to our thinking, strategy, and business planning.


We are particularly hoping to hear from people with expertise and experience in:


·      Financial Management, to undertake the role of Treasurer

·      Legal / Charity Governance

·      Fundraising

·      Marketing


At SPAEDA we believe our work will be stronger with greater board diversity and welcome applications from those who bring balance to our current Trustee team. We are therefore keen to appoint Trustees with lived experience of being:

·      People of colour

·      Deaf and/or Disabled

·      Under-represented because of your social or cultural background or your sexuality

As well as,

·      Young People aged between 18 – 25 years



Board meetings are held every two months online, usually starting at 6.30 pm.


We meet in person at least once every year at a Board Away Day event, either held at our offices at Hestercombe House in Taunton, or elsewhere in the county.


The Board is responsible for setting the strategy and policies of SPAEDA and guides and supports its staff in their day-to-day role. If you would like to find out more about joining the Board our Chair of Trustees Sarah Dawes is available for an informal chat.


Visit or website - About Us - for more information


HOW TO APPLY: Please send a CV and a short paragraph telling us why you are interested in the role and what skills and experience you could offer to support us in our work.


Please note that due to the nature of our work, if we progress your application we will require a minimum of two references and an enhanced DBS check.




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This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.9 spots left.
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About Somerset Partnership Arts Education Development Agency - SPAEDA

SPAEDA has a unique role across Somerset helping children and young people connect to the world around them, encouraging them to take a positive role in their communities and to be curious and adventurous.

We want to empower children and young people, developing them as creative thinkers able to think critically; act positively; to innovate and to lead.

We’re passionate about the difference creativity makes to the lives of children and young people. Through giving more children and young people a rich programme of arts and cultural experiences, we can raise aspirations and widen opportunities for 5 -18-year-olds.