Vaccination Support Marshall- Bridgwater Pop-Up Sites

Vaccination Support Marshall- Bridgwater Pop-Up Sites

Organisation role · 4–1 hrs/Week
Bridgwater, Somerset, England, United Kingdom
WellbeingHealthCommunity & family

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Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
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An exciting opportunity to meet, greet and direct people as they come to be vaccinated by marshalling at a vaccination centre

Detailed description

Be involved in making history!

Can you spare a little time to support your local vaccination programme?

Do you have good communication skills and like working as part of a team?

The Somerset Vaccination programme has moved into Phase 3 and we are as busy as ever.

Would you like to add some new skills to your CV?  Are you looking for work experience?  Do you have any free time and are interested in getting involved with your local community?


Somerset Foundation Trust are looking for enthusiastic, friendly individuals to become volunteer marshals.

Meet, greet and direct members of the public outside in the car park as they come to be vaccinated at one of our County Vaccination Centers Pop Up Sites.

Shifts are typically for 4 hours. You can pick up as few or as many shifts as you like.

Training will be provided and your travel costs will be paid.


Volunteers must be aged 17 years or older.

We very much look forward to hearing from you.

Come and give it a go!

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support

Getting there

This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About Somerset NHS Foundation Trust

We are recruiting for a range of different roles to help us deliver the vaccination program in Somerset