About Somerset Child Contact Centres (Taunton)

Somerset Child Contact Centres are a non-profit making organisation working to support separated families in Somerset, with centres in Taunton, Chard, Yeovil and Wincanton.

Our main role is to provide a safe place for non-resident parents to spend quality time with their children, which would not otherwise be possible. Referrals are often made following relationship breakdowns, and in most cases referrals are initiated through the courts and family solicitors.

Child Contact Centres are a safe and neutral environment where children of separated families can spend time with one or both parents. They are child centred environments that put the needs of the children first.
The volunteers help to provide invaluable support to setting the scene of positive environment where tensions of children towards the non-resident parents dissolve through playing with the variety of interesting toys, stimulating games, reading, writing/drawing and talking. The tuck shop offers hot drinks to parents (often free of charge) and cold drinks and snacks to children.

Each centre opens twice a month and is staffed by a paid coordinator and a team of volunteers, without whom the centres would not be viable to run.

We are members of NACCC (see above) and adhere to their policies and procedures. You may wish to look at the website for more information about the history and work of Contact Centres:

NACCC National Association of Child Contact Centres.
