Digital Engagement Volunteer

Digital Engagement Volunteer

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Glastonbury Abbey, Magdalene St, Glastonbury, England BA6 9EL, United Kingdom
HostingTeachingSocial media
Art & cultureEducationWellbeing

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Glastonbury Abbey
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Glastonbury Abbey is looking for volunteers to help visitors discover its new augmented reality app, 'Glastonbury Stories', and provide any technical support.

Detailed description

In 2023, Glastonbury Abbey launched its ground-breaking AR (augmented reality) app, 'Glastonbury Stories'. The app encourages visitors to move around the site, scanning the mediaeval tiles found at each marker on the map to launch AR content. The app is aimed at young families but is potentially enjoyable for all visitors. The abbey needs confident, proactive volunteers to help visitors discover the app, show what it can do, and be on hand to provide technical assistance. This is a special role that will bring a new dimension to the visitor experience. The role will include maintaining a presence near an information point dedicated to the Glastonbury Stories app, promoting the app to visitors and encouraging downloads, assisting visitors in getting started with the app and answering any technical queries, guiding small groups/families around the site showcasing the app, and working with a wide range of people. The suggested shifts will be two hours, from 11am - 1pm or 1pm to 3pm any day of the week. Other shifts may be possible. This role provides the opportunity to meet new people, work within the abbey’s magnificent grounds and learn about its history, use your technological know-how and people skills to enhance the visitor experience at the abbey for our many visitors, and be part of a dedicated and diverse team of volunteers and staff. For further information about the role please visit the website of Glastonbury Abbey under the 'Get Involved' link. Please apply directly to Glastonbury Abbey using the online form on the website. Alternatively, an application form that can be downloaded from the abbey website and returned as per the instructions on the form.

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support

Getting there

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About Glastonbury Abbey

We are connected with legend to a degree that is unparalleled by any other abbey in England. Since Medieval times, the abbey has held legendary status as the earliest Christian foundation in Britain linked to Joseph of Arimathea and the burial place of King Arthur. Today it is a tranquil setting where you can discover the stories, explore the 36 acres of grounds and enjoy a range of events and activities.