Fundraiser for FordHaven

Fundraiser for FordHaven

Organisation role · Flexible hours
BA6 9EF, Glastonbury, Somerset, England, United Kingdom
SupervisingOutdoorsYouth workSportsFundraisingCampaigningSocial mediaAdministrationAdvice & MentoringSocial contactSupport workCreativeMusicFinancialTrusteeshipWebsiteITBusiness DevelopmentSchool GovernorLegal workCoordinationTrainingEvents & festivalAssistanceCare workReading & WritingTeachingMarketing & Communications
Community & familyChildren & youthWellbeing
Suitable for young volunteers (16-18 year olds)

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FordHaven CIC
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Help us to coordinate fundraising efforts for FordHaven, looking for people who have experience in this area or now have the time to fundraise.

Detailed description

FordHaven, based in Glastonbury is a hub for children in the Mendips and across Somerset. 

It is the creation of Roxie and Paul Ford. Our nurturing environment welcomes ALL children who require time and space in a setting created with them in mind. 

We help separated children & families to re-establish, repair and maintain bonds by providing a safe space to spend quality time together whilst also providing a space for those who are home-educated, struggling within school or are unable to attend school at this time. 

We are committed to supporting young people in becoming the best versions of themselves. 

FordHaven seeks to enable children and young people to build positive relationships.

We achieve this through a variety of services where the children & young people are at the heart of what we do. Visit our website for more information.

FordHaven is a CIC, Community Interest Company and therfore have a responsibilty to fundraise at least half of our budget requirements.

A Fundraiser Volunteer will enjoy orgainising and running actrivities and events that generate income.

These can include Jumble Sales, Quizes, Bingo and Seasonal Events ran by FordHaven.

FordHaven is donated a percentage to volunteer at Somerset County Guy Fawkes Carnivals.

This role does not require working directly with children and young people.

The application process starts with an informal conversation following your expression of interest.

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support

Getting there

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About FordHaven CIC

FordHaven CIC, based in Glastonbury is a hub for children in the Mendips and across Somerset.

It is the creation of Roxie and Paul Ford. Our nurturing environment welcomes ALL children who require time and space in a setting created with them in mind.

We help separated children & families to re-establish, repair and maintain bonds by providing a safe space to spend quality time together whilst also providing a space for those who are home-educated, struggling within school or are unable to attend school at this time.

We are committed to supporting young people in becoming the best versions of themselves.

FordHaven seeks to enable children and young people to build positive relationships. We achieve this through a variety of planned activity sessions where the children & young people are at the heart of what we do. We believe all children and young people have the potential to succeed in relationships when supported correctly. We believe that they can adapt to new environments, learn to develop positive relationships, and socialise in a socially acceptable way. We are committed to supporting young people in becoming the best versions of themselves.