First Task Day

First Task Day

Task · 4–8 hrs · by 11 Jul 2023
Underhill Ln, Staple Fitzpaine, Taunton TA3, UK
Nature & sustainability

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Fancy Volunteers
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meeting at 9:30 thro to 15:00

Detailed description

We will be cutting bracken and raking into rows within the old field which we call 'The Bowl'. Handtools will be provided and no prior experience is necessary. Bring a packed lunch and wear stout footwear.

Enjoy a day working physically, out in the open, in company and giving back to this wonderful reserve. Helping to keep this important flower meadow open.

Getting there

At the Staple Fitzpaine crossroads, take the road directly opposite the Greyhound pub. Bear left after 100yards then follow the lane to the very far end. We will meet you there.
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About Fancy Volunteers

practical conservation working group meeting 2nd Tuesday monthly (from 11th Jul). Handtools, no prior experience, tools provided