Breakfast Club Assistant
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We have an amazing new project to provide a Holiday Family Fun Club, twice a week during the school holidays.We aim to provide hot and cold breakfast items and activities for children to enjoy during the school holidays, all for free. We need volunteers who can help cook breakfast and help out with the kids activities. You could help with: Setting up the hall, welcoming families, socialising with /signposting families, helping serve food, packing everything away at the end of the session. Health Connections Mendip will be running a Community Connector session with all breakfast club volunteers to enable them to signpost families who may need further help. St Johns ambulance will also be running a child and baby first aid awareness session with volunteers Start date: February Half term 2020 This position will run for 1 year and will be reviewed after 6 months. The breakfast club will run twice a week in school holidays only Tuesday 8.30am-11.30am Thursday 8.30am-11.30am