Volunteer Coordinators Forum

Volunteer Coordinators Forum

Community event · 26 Sept 2023, 13:15 - 16:00
Red Brick Building, Morland Road, Glastonbury, England BA6 9FW, United Kingdom

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Spark a Change
Scan me or visit www.sparkachange.org.uk/o/Spark-a-Change/opportunities/Volunteer-Coordinators-Forum/67698 to join


We invite you to join us for an opportunity to meet people with a similar role and share peer support.

Detailed description

You don’t have to be a Volunteer Coordinator or Manager to join. If your role includes working with and supporting volunteers within your organisation, whether paid or voluntary, you will find the Forum useful.

Tickets to this event are freely available to anybody who manages or coordinates volunteers in Somerset, whether in a paid or voluntary capacity.

Getting there

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About Spark a Change

Everyone can help make the world a better place as a volunteer. On the website of Spark a Change you can find volunteering opportunities in Somerset.