Volunteer Coordinator Forum
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Scan me or visit www.sparkachange.org.uk/o/Spark-a-Change/opportunities/Volunteer-Coordinator-Forum/64302 to join
Our monthly, face to face meeting to give Volunteer Coordinators a chance to network, learn, share best practice and gain help & support.Detailed description
You don’t have to be a Volunteer Coordinator or Manager to join. If your role includes working with and supporting volunteers within your organisation, whether paid or voluntary, you may find the Forum useful.
We recognise that Volunteer Coordinators are often the sole person within their organisation with responsibility for volunteers and this is an opportunity to meet people with a similar role and share peer support.
1:15pm-1:30pm Registration and refreshments
1:30pm-2:00pm Update from the Spark a Change team, including The Big Help Out
2:00pm-2:30pm Guest Speaker Pip Harris from Somerset Film- How your organisation can harness film and how short films can be used on social media and other channels of communication to attract volunteers.
2:30pm-3:15pm Tea, coffee, cake and networking
3:15pm-3.45pm Round table and whole group discussion- Essential documents, resources and policies needed by a Volunteer Coordinator
3.45pm-4.00pm Feedback and close
Tickets to this event are freely available to anybody who manages or coordinates volunteers in Somerset, whether in a paid or voluntary capacity.
Get in contact with the volunteer team for more information and how to sign up to the event.